
AI-Responder for HostAway is a cutting-edge Chrome extension that revolutionizes the way hosts interact with guests. With the power of artificial intelligence (AI), this innovative tool reduces your writing time by a staggering 98%, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of hosting.

So, how does AI-Responder for HostAway work its magic? It combines information from three valuable sources. Firstly, it taps into a property-specific knowledge document of up to 800 words, which contains all the necessary details to answer guest queries effectively. From suggestions for nearby restaurants to guidance on troubleshooting thermostat issues, this knowledge base has you covered.

Secondly, it leverages guest data, such as reservation details, to personalize the responses. Names, dates, check-in and check-out times, and other relevant information are seamlessly integrated, ensuring a smooth and tailored conversation with each guest.

Lastly, AI-Responder for HostAway takes advantage of previous chat history to maintain continuity. This intelligent feature ensures that no context is lost, providing a seamless experience for both hosts and guests.

But what type of AI does AI-Responder for HostAway utilize? While in beta, we interchangeably use OpenAI GPT3 Davinci-003 and GPT NeoX 20B. The quality of the responses generated by these AI models is so exceptional that it can sometimes be challenging to distinguish them from human-written content.

Speaking of quality, AI responses scored an impressive 4 or 5 (out of 5) in 88.2% of cases. This means that the responses are of good to great quality, often requiring no further editing. For the rare instances where adjustments are needed, AI-Responder for HostAway still significantly speeds up the process, as it prefills the response field with highly relevant suggestions.

AI-Responder for HostAway: Automate everything with AI. It’s the smart choice for hosts, designed by hosts.

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