Ask AI

Introducing Ask AI, the ultimate personal assistant right on your wrist! Developed by Sindre Sorhus, this app utilizes ChatGPT’s powerful capabilities to bring you instant answers to any question you have. Whether you need explanations on complex topics, translations, math problem solutions, writing improvements, or recommendations, Ask AI has got you covered.

One of the standout features of Ask AI is its language versatility. You can ask questions in English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and many more languages. The app caters to a wide range of linguistic needs.

It’s important to note that the app’s data is limited to information prior to 2022. So, while it’s an extraordinary resource for most queries, it may not be able to provide answers to recent events.

Powered by OpenAI’s official ChatGPT API, Ask AI is a one-time purchase. With Sindre Sorhus paying for every question, you won’t have to worry about any subscription fees. Once you’ve acquired the app, it’s all yours to enjoy.

For those eager to have voice dictation upon launch, unfortunately, watchOS only supports opening the keyboard. However, the convenience and functionality of directly accessing the app on your wrist makes up for this limitation.

While Ask AI is exclusively available on Apple Watch and does not support iOS and macOS, Sindre Sorhus offers an alternative option called QuickGPT for macOS users. QuickGPT provides similar advantages, ensuring all Apple users can benefit from AI-powered assistance.

To stay updated on the latest changes and enhancements, Sindre Sorhus provides a version history of the app. With just a click, you can explore the exciting evolution of Ask AI.

Ask AI is a revolutionary tool that brings the power of ChatGPT to your wristwatch. Say goodbye to tedious searches and get ready to simplify your life with this exceptional personal assistant. Experience the convenience and efficiency of Ask AI today!

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