
Bottomright is an innovative AI-powered chatbot to enhance customer support and engagement on websites. Here’s a detailed description of what Bottomright offers:

Key Features of Bottomright:

  1. Custom-Trained AI Chatbot: Bottomright is powered by OpenAI and trains itself on your website, providing context-aware answers and improving customer support efficiency.
  2. Easy Integration: The chatbot can be added to any website in minutes, with a simple three-step process: entering the website URL, selecting pages for training, and pasting the generated code into the website.
  3. Automated Customer Interaction: It handles typical customer queries, offering immediate comprehensive responses based on the company’s proprietary knowledge base.
  4. Customizable Appearance: The built-in editor allows users to customize the chatbot’s UI elements to match their brand, included with the Free plan.
  5. Real-Time Conversations and Insights: Access all chatbot conversations via a dashboard to gain valuable insights, detect pain points, and improve product and support.
  6. 24/7 Availability: The chatbot is available round the clock, ensuring constant support for website visitors.
  7. Multilingual Support: Capable of handling queries in various languages, catering to a global audience.

Ideal for:

  • Businesses and startups looking to automate customer support on their websites.
  • Companies seeking an AI solution to enhance customer engagement and provide immediate responses.
  • Website owners aiming to improve user experience with a customizable and efficient chatbot.


  • Bottomright is accessible online, and users can get started for free by signing up on the website.

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