Brandfort is an AI-powered tool that takes the hassle out of managing your social media accounts. With its automatic comment moderation feature, you can say goodbye to unwanted comments on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Whether it’s complaints, negativity, spam, political content, profanity, or offensive remarks, Brandfort’s Artificial Intelligence is trained to detect and hide them from your social media pages.

The accuracy rate of the AI is an impressive 96%, and it’s continually being re-trained to perform even better. And if you’re a Hootsuite user, you’ll be happy to know that Brandfort is listed as an officially integrated app. This means seamless integration into your existing Hootsuite workflows for efficient social media channel management.

You have the option to try Brandfort for free with their great free plan. If you have any questions along the way, their team is always ready to assist you. And if you decide to subscribe, you can do so on a monthly basis and cancel anytime without further obligation.

With Brandfort, you can focus on growing your brand and engaging with your community, knowing that their AI will keep your social media pages free from unwanted comments. The team behind Brandfort is made up of experienced developers, social media experts, and risk management professionals who are passionate about helping you succeed on social media.

Don’t let negativity and spam detract from your brand’s online presence. Try Brandfort today and experience the power of AI-powered comment moderation.

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