
Ceiling is an innovative platform designed to transform the way professionals and talent recruiters engage and connect in the digital space. It leverages AI-powered interactions to create a more insightful and tailored experience, focusing on meaningful professional journeys rather than superficial achievements.

Key Features for Professionals:

  1. Minimalistic, Yet Mighty: Ceiling offers a sleek, understated Wiki Card, providing just enough information to pique interest without overwhelming details.
  2. Discreet, Yet Deep: The AI Chat feature acts as a guide, allowing recruiters to explore your achievements in a comprehensive yet discreet manner.
  3. Control Over Achievements: Share your professional wins on your terms, with the option to highlight what matters most and keep certain details private.

Benefits for Talent Recruiters:

  1. Efficient Pre-Screening: AI-enhanced chat interacts with candidate profiles, offering deep insights before the first interview, streamlining the recruitment process.
  2. Rich, Interactive Profiles: Go beyond static profiles. Ceiling’s interactive approach provides a deeper understanding of a candidate’s strengths and potential.
  3. Time-Saving Interactions: Engage with potential candidates flexibly, without the need for scheduling calls, saving valuable time.

Getting Started with Ceiling:

  • Set Up Your Wiki Card: Create a concise, impactful introduction – your digital handshake.
  • Activate AI Chat Engine: Enhance your profile with Ceiling Chat for in-depth exploration of your expertise.
  • Get Discovered: Share your Ceiling Wiki Card on LinkedIn, your resume, or directly with recruiters.
  • Engage & Connect: Respond to inquiries, build relationships, and expand your professional network.

Ceiling is more than just a networking platform; it’s a fresh take on professional connections, emphasizing substance over show-off. It’s designed for those who value privacy, efficiency, and depth in their professional interactions. Setting up a Ceiling Wiki is fast, free, and a step towards a more meaningful professional presence online.

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