ChatGPT Microphone

ChatGPT Microphone is an incredible Google Chrome extension that takes your ChatGPT experience to the next level. With this extension, you can easily add voice-to-text functionality and shortcut snippets to your conversations, saving you time and effort.

The standout feature of ChatGPT Microphone is its seamlessly integrated voice-to-text microphone button. Simply click the mic or use the keyboard shortcut CMD/CTR + M, and start speaking to convert your speech into text accurately and effortlessly. Say goodbye to typing long messages!

But that’s not all—ChatGPT Microphone also allows you to insert custom phrases into your conversations with the help of “Shortcut Snippets.” By saying the designated keywords, you can instantly insert frequently used phrases, reducing the need for lengthy and repetitive prompts. It’s like having your own personal conversation assistant!

The extension also offers additional functionalities such as custom commands, where you can configure keywords for clearing text or sending messages. This allows for even greater convenience and customization in your ChatGPT interactions.

ChatGPT Microphone is designed to seamlessly integrate with ChatGPT’s interface, offering both dark and light mode options. It perfectly matches your preferred mode, providing a visually cohesive experience.

It’s worth mentioning that this extension is free to use and open-source. The developer welcomes contributions and encourages users to submit pull requests or report bugs and issues via the GitHub Issues page. This collaborative approach ensures that the tool continually improves and meets the needs of its users.

Please note that ChatGPT Microphone is specifically designed for compatibility with Google Chrome. It isn’t supported on other Chromium-based browsers like Brave, Opera, or Edge due to limitations with the Speech Recognition API.

In conclusion, ChatGPT Microphone is an exceptional tool for professionals and anyone who wants to enhance their ChatGPT experience. With its voice-to-text capability and shortcut snippets, you can spend less time typing and more time getting things done. Don’t miss out on this incredible extension – give ChatGPT Microphone a try today!

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