
Introducing ChatNode, a revolutionary AI chatbot builder that enables you to create your own personalized AI assistant for your website or as an invaluable research tool. With ChatNode, you have the power to train ChatGPT on any type of data, whether it’s websites, PDFs, or plain text. This unique feature allows your chatbot to learn from a diverse range of sources, expanding its knowledge and capabilities.

The training process with ChatNode is incredibly efficient. You can choose to upload your own data or simply provide a URL. Within a matter of seconds, the data is extracted and ready to be trained. Say goodbye to lengthy training sessions and hello to instant results.

But what can you use ChatNode for? Well, the possibilities are endless. Enhance your customer support by instantly answering queries around the clock. Imagine how satisfied your customers will be when they receive immediate assistance. Streamline your company’s operations and collaboration by integrating the chatbot into your daily workflows. It becomes an invaluable tool for problem-solving and driving innovation within your organization.

ChatNode offers two deployment options: public and private. Public deployment allows you to add the chatbot to your website as a chat bubble or embedded iframe, ensuring your customers have easy access. On the other hand, private deployment keeps the chatbot internal for research or testing purposes. It seamlessly integrates into your company’s workflows, boosting productivity.

Our pricing plans are designed to cater to your specific needs. We offer a free plan that allows you to test ChatNode with a limited number of message credits and one chatbot. For more extensive usage, our paid plans offer different monthly message limits, enabling you to upload more data and make it available for a higher number of chatbots. You have complete control over how much data each chatbot receives, allowing for multiple file uploads and adding data from new sources.

Language barriers are not an issue with ChatNode. We support approximately 95 languages, ensuring that you can communicate effectively with your global audience. Additionally, our dedicated customer support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or concerns that may arise.

Experience the power of ChatNode and revolutionize the way you interact with your audience. Sign up today and embark on the journey of unlocking the full potential of AI technology.

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