Checksum, an innovative end-to-end (E2E) automation testing solution, revolutionizes the way you test your app. By leveraging real user behavior, generates a comprehensive testing automation pipeline, facilitating faster testing without compromising quality.

One of the standout features of is its ability to automatically generate and maintain E2E tests based on user sessions. This saves you months in development time and allows your team to focus on shipping code, rather than spending time on writing tests manually. The AI-powered ML models are specifically trained on your production sessions to ensure full coverage – no corner of your app goes untested.

Say goodbye to the hassle of maintaining tests as your code evolves.’s intelligent AI adapts the tests to code changes and flakiness seamlessly, so you can enjoy more time writing code and less time worrying about test maintenance.

Integration with is a breeze. Within minutes, you can integrate the tool with your app thanks to its simple integration process. Just paste three lines of code from the JavaScript SDK when your app is mounted, and you’re all set. Don’t forget to provide a seed test user on your production or staging environment to generate the tests.

Rest assured that takes your users’ privacy seriously. Similar to solutions like Fullstory or Hotjar, the tool records user sessions to train its models. However, all inner texts are hashed to protect sensitive information. You also have full control over privacy settings, allowing you to mask events from sensitive elements.

Test results generated by are powered by open-source frameworks like Cypress or Playwright. Bugs and issues are detected instantly, eliminating the need for firefighting and ensuring faster code reviews. As a result, you can ship your code with confidence, knowing that it has been thoroughly tested.

Curious about how works? The FAQ section provides answers to common questions. It explains how tests are generated, how new features are tested, what types of tests are generated (E2E using Cypress or Playwright code), and what data is collected (hashed inner texts for privacy protection). The algorithms employed by allow it to extrapolate from production sessions, ensuring that even new features receive thorough testing.

In summary, offers a powerful end-to-end automation testing solution that allows you to test every aspect of your app with ease. Its AI-driven approach, comprehensive test coverage, and effortless integration make it a game-changer for any development team. Say goodbye to tedious manual testing and start shipping code faster with

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