Chess AI

Introducing Betafish.js: The Chess AI for Web-Based Applications

Are you looking to enhance your web-based chess application with a powerful and intelligent AI opponent? Look no further than Betafish.js. Specifically designed for web-based applications, Betafish.js is a chess AI that operates seamlessly within the browser, eliminating the need for any additional hardware or software.

Written in JavaScript, Betafish.js utilizes the popular FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) standard to keep track of the game state and make well-considered moves. This ensures that your users will experience a challenging and realistic gameplay experience.

One of the standout features of Betafish.js is its customizable chessboard component. Built with CSS and HTML, this component allows you to create a visually stunning chessboard that seamlessly integrates with your web application. Additionally, Betafish.js provides a set of captivating Staunton pieces and markers sprites, enhancing the overall aesthetics of your chess game.

To cater to various gameplay preferences, Betafish.js allows users to configure the thinking time of the AI. Whether you want a rapid-fire opponent or a more contemplative one, the choice is yours. Moreover, users have the flexibility to take back any move they make, adding an extra layer of engagement and learning to the experience.

Developed by Gavin and cherished by chess enthusiasts worldwide, Betafish.js is an open-source project available on Github. This allows developers to explore its underlying codebase, customize it to meet their specific requirements, and contribute to its continuous improvement.

With Betafish.js, you can take your web-based chess application to new heights. Engage your users with an intelligent AI opponent, stunning visuals, and exceptional flexibility. Get ready to dive into the world of competitive and immersive online chess gameplay with Betafish.js.

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