Claude for Sheets

Claude for Sheets is an innovative add-on for Google Sheets, developed by Anthropic. It integrates the AI assistant Claude directly into your spreadsheets, offering a range of functionalities from text rewriting to advanced document Q&A with citations. This tool is designed to enhance productivity and creativity in spreadsheet management, making it a valuable asset for businesses, researchers, and individuals.

Key Features:

  1. AI Integration in Google Sheets: Brings the capabilities of Claude, an AI assistant, into your spreadsheets.
  2. Versatile Functionality: Offers a variety of uses, including text rewriting, translation, classification, information extraction, content summarization, and more.
  3. Custom Formula Functions: Includes =CLAUDE() for general queries and =CLAUDEFREE() for free-form prompts.
  4. Automatic In-Sheet Caching: Reduces API call costs by caching responses within the sheet.
  5. Throttling Capability: Controls API calls in sheets with many =CLAUDE… cells.
  6. On-Demand and Background Recalculation: Manages cells deferred due to API key concurrency limits.
  7. Privacy-Focused: Ensures data privacy and security in line with Anthropic’s policies.


  • Enhanced Spreadsheet Functionality: Transforms Google Sheets™ into a more powerful and versatile tool.
  • Time-Saving: Automates complex tasks, saving time and effort.
  • Creative and Analytical Support: Assists in creative writing, data analysis, and problem-solving.
  • Cost-Efficient: Minimizes API call costs with caching and throttling features.

Ideal For:

  • Professionals and businesses looking to enhance their spreadsheet capabilities.
  • Researchers and academics requiring advanced data analysis and document Q&A.
  • Individuals seeking creative and analytical assistance in their spreadsheets.

Setup and Usage:

  • After installation, enable the extension in your document and enter your Anthropic API key.
  • Use =CLAUDE() for general queries or =CLAUDEFREE() for direct API calls.
  • The add-on will process your requests and provide responses directly in your spreadsheet.

Sharing and Privacy:

  • Data passed to =CLAUDE… functions is shared only with Anthropic, maintaining user privacy.
  • Shared spreadsheets with the add-on allow other users to use the custom functions without installing the add-on.


  • The Claude for Sheets add-on is free, but API calls made from the add-on are billed at your normal pricing schedule with Anthropic via your account associated with the API key.

Claude for Sheets by Anthropic is a tool that brings the power of AI to Google Sheets, offering a range of functionalities to enhance productivity, creativity, and data analysis. Whether for business, research, or personal use, this add-on transforms the way you interact with spreadsheets.

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