Clips AI

Clips AI is a tool for content creators looking to repurpose their long-form video and audio content for social media. Say goodbye to the tedious and time-consuming task of manually creating clips, because Clips AI is here to revolutionize your workflow.

With Clips AI, the process is simple and efficient. Just upload your content, let the AI do its magic, and choose your standout moments. In a matter of minutes, Clips AI’s powerful proprietary AI, known as CAI, will identify the most captivating moments from your video.

But it doesn’t stop there. Clips AI goes above and beyond by providing ready-made titles that are generated by AI, eliminating the need for brainstorming and saving you even more time. And to ensure precision in your editing, the intuitive transcript editor allows you to trim your clips with ease.

With upcoming integrations including Google Drive and Dropbox, uploading and exporting your clips will be seamless. Plus, there’s an API coming soon, allowing you to harness the power of Clips AI for your own product or custom integration.

But that’s not all. Clips AI is constantly evolving to meet your needs. In 2023, they plan to introduce automatic video resizing, video editing, and social media management tools, giving you even more control over your content.

Whether you’re a social media influencer, a podcast agency, or a content creator of any kind, Clips AI is here to simplify your repurposing process. And with custom branding, team member access, and live call support, you’ll have all the tools you need to take your content to the next level.

Don’t miss out on this game-changing platform. Sign up for the free plan and experience AI-recommended clips, 4 hours of content, and watermarked clips.

Visit Clips AI today and unlock the power of AI in repurposing your content. It’s time to take your creativity to new heights.

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