
Are you looking for an easy way to enhance your website’s user experience? Look no further than Collie, the AI-powered tool that brings a seamless embedded search bar to your website. With Collie, your users will have access to a comprehensive knowledge hub, thanks to its one-click application search feature.

Collie’s automated web scraping program, known as Collie fetcher, works wonders when it comes to extracting content, media, and files from your website. It visits each URL and also explores linked pages to ensure that every asset is included. Once fetched, these assets are added to Mixpeek, a powerful search index that makes everything easily searchable.

When it comes to content and file types, Collie has got you covered. With support for PDFs, Images, Videos, Audio, HTML, and Text, no asset will go unnoticed. And if you’re concerned about security, rest assured that Collie prioritizes safety. Your extracted content and files are protected, and you have the option to delete them at any time.

Wondering about the speed of the crawling process? It varies depending on the size of your website, but you need not worry. Once Collie finishes the process, you’ll receive an email notification, assuring you that your search is ready to go.

And here’s the best part: Collie is free for up to 1000 pages or files! But if you’re interested in searching private content or data behind a firewall, Collie offers a beta version for select users. Just sign up and join the exclusive club.

Implementing Collie on your website is a breeze. You can either take advantage of the search bar provided by Collie or seamlessly integrate it into your website using the API. The installation guide will provide you with all the necessary instructions to get you up and running in no time.

Why the name “Collie”? Well, border collies are known to be among the fastest and smartest dogs, making them perfect for retrieving information and selecting the most relevant content. Plus, she reminds the creator of their beloved dog-a heartwarming touch to the Collie experience.

So, what are you waiting for? Let Collie work its magic and bring a beautiful search experience to your website.

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