
Coral: The Conversational AI Tool by Cohere

Coral, powered by Cohere’s Command model, is a cutting-edge conversational AI tool that allows users to engage in complex dialogues, obtain assistance with various tasks, and participate in open and engaging conversations to expand their knowledge. With Coral, the possibilities are endless.

Whether you need help creating lists, summarizing documents, building itineraries, finding new strategies, or receiving step-by-step instructions, Coral is designed to be helpful and delightful. It offers games, hot-takes, and the ability to explore new concepts, ensuring a dynamic user experience.

Although Coral is currently on the waitlist, Cohere has exciting plans to release a simple yet powerful API in the near future. This API will allow developers to seamlessly integrate Coral into their own products, unlocking its full potential. Stay tuned for updates on the exact release date.

Get ready to experience the future of conversational AI with Coral by Cohere. Sign up for updates and be among the first to unleash the power of this remarkable tool.

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