
Introducing Cue, an AI agent designed to help you build software faster. With its advanced features, Cue can accelerate your development process by implementing tasks from short descriptions. Whether you need to implement modules, refactor code, or write tests, Cue has got you covered.

Installing Cue is a breeze, as it can be easily added as a VsCode extension. Additionally, with our Github app, you can create pull requests directly from repo level task descriptions. Cue efficiently handles tasks in the background, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your software development.

Next, let’s talk about Your AI Browser Assistant, a powerful tool that brings automation to your web browsing experience. By using a simple text interface, you can create complex automations and drive your browser with text commands. This innovative tool allows you to specify workflows, automating repeated tasks effortlessly.

Not only can you automate simple tasks, but Your AI Browser Assistant also enables the creation of highly complicated browser automations from recordings. With its task-level evaluation, you can rest assured that your tasks will be executed with the utmost efficacy.

Setting up your workflows with Your AI Browser Assistant is quick and easy. It requires minimal configuration and deployment effort, allowing you to put your browser tasks on autopilot and stay productive. Say goodbye to manual repetition as this tool saves you valuable time and resources.

Whether you’re an individual looking to streamline your browser tasks or a business wanting to optimize workflows, Your AI Browser Assistant is the perfect solution. Its simple text interface empowers users to create complex automations with ease. Experience the power of automation and take control of your browser tasks with Your AI Browser Assistant.

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