
DashAI is a Chrome extension that provides you with instant access to ChatGPT, an AI language model, on any webpage you visit. With DashAI, you can boost your productivity like never before. Say goodbye to constantly switching between tabs or applications to access ChatGPT — now you can chat with the AI right from the side chat on your current webpage. The time-saving ⌘ + k shortcut allows you to open the side chat with ease.

But DashAI offers much more than just convenient access. It also includes a vast prompt library to kickstart your conversations. No need to worry about long articles anymore; simply use the ⌘ + B shortcut to summarize any webpage you’re on. This nifty feature provides you with key takeaways and saves you valuable time.

With AI Quick Actions, you can highlight and execute specific AI commands effortlessly. DashAI comes with a set of built-in commands like summarize and translate, but you also have the flexibility to create your own commands and edit existing ones. It’s all about tailoring your experience to suit your needs.

But the features don’t stop there! DashAI also offers audio transcriptions from any webpage. Record audio, and DashAI will quickly transcribe it into text. This feature is perfect for drafting emails or creating social media posts using just your voice.

For those looking for an even more immersive experience, DashAI’s AI Text Expander allows you to generate AI-generated content directly in any text box. Simply start your text with ‘dash:’ followed by a command, hit enter, and let the AI work its magic.

DashAI is incredibly user-friendly, with no need to worry about context switching. You can interact with ChatGPT from any webpage, allowing you to stay focused on the task at hand. Plus, your entire chat history is automatically saved within the extension, so you can easily search and continue your conversations.

DashAI offers various pricing options to suit your needs. You can start with a free trial to see if it’s the right fit for you, or go all-in with a one-time payment of $17. This payment includes unlimited license activations, all future updates, and the option to use your own OpenAI API Key.

For those interested in exploring the source code, DashAI offers a source code package for $59. With the source code, you can modify it to your liking and use it however you want.

Experience the power of AI language processing with DashAI. Install the extension now and unlock a new level of productivity on every webpage you visit.

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