
Are you tired of constantly answering the same customer questions? Do you want to optimize your support flow and provide instant responses to inquiries? Look no further – DocUp is here to help!

DocUp is an AI tool that uses machine learning to automatically answer customer questions based on your company’s documentation. Whether you want to use it as a chatbot on your website or integrate it into your existing support solutions, DocUp can transform the way you interact with your customers.

Training the AI is a breeze. You can feed it different types of content, including URLs, sitemaps, plain text, and FAQs. While PDFs are not currently supported, the team is working hard to include them in the future. Once trained, the AI will provide instant replies to customer inquiries, ensuring quick resolution and minimizing waiting time.

The chat widget is a game-changer. It allows the chatbot to answer customer questions live on your website, providing all the information that you’ve fed into the AI in a matter of seconds. Customers who need further assistance will be guided on how to contact your support team.

If you prefer a more customized approach, DocUp can be seamlessly integrated into your support and documentation flow. Customers will receive automated replies before contacting you, saving you time and resources. Simply hook up DocUp to your contact form, and users will get suggested replies before proceeding to contact you.

DocUp offers flexible pricing plans to meet your needs. Starting from a free plan, you can enjoy features like API access, chatbot access, collections, sources, and credits.

Don’t let repetitive customer questions bog you down. Optimize your support flow with DocUp and let the AI handle the heavy lifting. It’s time to streamline your processes, enhance efficiency, and deliver faster responses to your valued customers. Try DocUp today and experience the power of AI in customer support.

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