Introducing Leo, your very own AI research assistant developed by Feedly. Leo is designed to help you cut through the noise and focus on the specific topics and trends that matter to you. With Leo, you can say goodbye to information overload and save valuable time.
So how does Leo work? Feedly has been teaching Leo how to read and analyze information, allowing it to declutter your feeds. Instead of spending hours sorting through hundreds of articles, Leo enables you to free your mind and concentrate on what truly matters. Unlike other algorithms, Leo gives you full control over your feeds.
Leo comes with a range of skills that make it extremely useful. The Topic AI Model allows you to prioritize specific keywords, mentions, topics, and trends. With the Like-Board skill, you can train Leo based on your curated board of specific topics or trends. Leo will then understand your interests and prioritize future articles that align with your preferences.
Additionally, Leo offers the Business Event AI Models, which track industry activities like funding events, partnerships, product launches, and leadership changes. This comprehensive set of tools makes Leo much more than just a news filtering tool. It is a true AI, utilizing machine learning and NLP to filter out noise and deliver relevant content.
Imagine following a broad business feed with thousands of articles per month. With Leo, you can ask it to read all the articles and prioritize the most insightful ones in the new Priority Tab. This way, you stay in control of the priorities and can focus on what truly grabs your attention.
Let’s say you’re particularly interested in the autonomous car trend. With just a few clicks, you can train Leo to prioritize articles about autonomous cars. Leo will continuously read all the articles in your feed and highlight the ones mentioning autonomous cars. These prioritized articles are labeled with a green priority label, providing you with a clear understanding of why they have been chosen.
One of the impressive features of Leo is its ability to learn from your feedback. When you save an article to a board, Leo takes it as a positive signal and reinforces its learning. And if Leo gets it wrong, you can use the “Less Like This” down arrow button to correct it, ensuring future recommendations are more accurate.
Leo has proven to be incredibly useful for many users, like Tino Klähne, Head of Strategic Design at Lufthansa Innovation Hub, who recognizes how Leo helps automate knowledge gathering and allows users to focus on growing their expertise.
Are you ready to declutter your feeds and discover the power of Leo? Sign up today and see what Feedly AI can do for you. This year, Feedly is set to introduce new skills and bold experiments, making 2020 an exciting year for Feedly AI. Join the Feedly community and collaborate directly with the Feedly team as they continue to build even better ways to cure information overload. Unsubscribe at any time.
Leo is here to assist you in exploring topics, upgrading your Feedly experience, and providing solutions in cybersecurity and biopharma. With Leo by your side, you can make the most out of Feedly and stay ahead of the latest trends and insights.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize the way you consume information. Get started with Leo today!