Find lost vehicle

FindLostVehicle is an AI-powered service to assist in locating lost vehicles by analyzing Facebook Marketplace postings in real-time. Here’s a detailed description of what FindLostVehicle offers:

Key Features of FindLostVehicle:

  1. AI-Driven Vehicle Search: Utilizes vision and contextual AI to scan Facebook Marketplace postings for lost vehicles, enhancing the chances of recovery.
  2. For Personal Use: Ideal for individuals looking to find their lost vehicles. The service supports the latest vision and contextual AI, searches thousands of Facebook Marketplace postings, and provides a customized report of the search findings.
  3. For Business Use: Perfect for insurance professionals to find lost vehicles at scale. Features include the ability to submit multiple lost vehicles simultaneously, AI support, and cost savings by recovering lost vehicles.
  4. Simple 4-Step Process: The service involves a straightforward process – submit lost vehicle information, pay for the report, search using AI, and receive a customized report via email.
  5. Affordable Pricing: Charges a nominal fee of $3.99 per report for the AI-empowered search service.
  6. User-Friendly Interface: Easy submission of lost vehicle details through an online form, including vehicle name, model, color, license plate number, VIN, and images.

Ideal for:

  • Individuals seeking to locate their lost vehicles using advanced AI technology.
  • Insurance companies and professionals needing to find multiple lost vehicles efficiently.
  • Anyone who requires a reliable and fast solution to track lost or stolen vehicles.


  • FindLostVehicle is accessible online, and users can start the process by submitting their lost vehicle information on the website.

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