Formulas HQ

Speed up your productivity with the help of Formulas HQ! This AI-powered tool is designed to simplify complex calculations in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. With Formulas HQ, you can generate formulas, VBA codes, and regular expressions in a matter of seconds, all without the need for any programming skills.

The unique AI technology behind Formulas HQ allows you to describe your desired calculation in plain language, and the AI will generate the corresponding formula or code for you. This eliminates the need for manual formula writing, making it easy to perform complex calculations effortlessly.

Formulas HQ also offers intelligent VBA script generation, helping you automate tasks and streamline your programming tasks. Simply describe the automation or function you need, and let the AI generate the relevant VBA or Apps Script for you.

Crafting complex regular expressions is made simple with Formulas HQ’s regex pattern builder. Input a description of the pattern you want to match, and let the AI create the appropriate regex expression for you. No more struggling with complex regex syntax, as Formulas HQ handles it all for you.

In addition to these powerful features, Formulas HQ also includes a chat feature powered by GPT-4 messaging. Get concise guidance and support while using the tool, minimizing the chances of misinterpretation. Choose from over 20 system prompts or create your own for even more accurate and reliable results.

Don’t just take our word for it – Formulas HQ has garnered rave reviews from users across different industries. Accountants, small business owners, inventory managers, and business analysts have all found value in this tool. It’s a must-have for anyone looking to speed up their calculations and boost productivity.

Formulas HQ offers multiple pricing plans to suit your needs. The Basic plan is perfect for those with occasional use, allowing up to five requests per month. The Formula Pro plan is great for one-off projects, with unlimited formula and code requests, as well as unlimited regular expressions. The most popular Yearly Pro plan offers priority support and unlimited requests, with savings of over 30% when billed yearly.

Ready to supercharge your productivity? Get started with Formulas HQ today and revolutionize the way you handle calculations in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

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