Forward is an AI-powered tool that revolutionizes the job hunting process. Say goodbye to the overwhelming task of searching for the perfect career opportunity. Forward’s innovative match engine utilizes your resume to curate personalized job options just for you. It’s time to let Forward take the lead while you focus on expanding your professional network.

Getting started with Forward is effortless. Simply upload your resume and let the magic begin. Unlike other job platforms, Forward ensures an unbiased and diverse selection of opportunities by not advertising or promoting specific jobs or companies. We strive to provide a fair and inclusive experience for all users.

With Forward, you’ll have access to a dedicated dashboard that helps you keep track of the jobs you visit and apply for. Say goodbye to the endless scrolling through job boards. We provide daily automatic feed updates, sending you job summaries and details before you even visit each opportunity. In addition, storage for your resume and quick selection features are available, making the process even more convenient.

But that’s not all. Forward is constantly evolving to meet your needs. We have plans to introduce an AI chatbot for search and filtering, further enhancing your job search experience.

Don’t just take our word for it. Engineers and researchers like Charles and Volodymyr have experienced incredible success using Forward. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a student starting your career journey, Forward will help you discover job opportunities that align with your interests and career goals.

Remember, Forward Beta currently focuses on engineering and STEM resumes, and it is limited to positions in the US and India.

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