
FoxyMeets is an innovative AI-powered meeting summary tool that takes the hassle out of note-taking and allows you to fully engage in meetings. With FoxyMeets, you can say goodbye to scribbling down every detail and instead focus on the important conversations at hand.

Using FoxyMeets is as easy as ABC. Simply connect your Google Calendar or manually enter the meeting URL, and let FoxyMeets handle the rest. Sit back and enjoy the meeting while FoxyMeets captures all the key points for you. Afterward, you can conveniently review your summaries in your inbox.

With FoxyMeets, there are no limits to your productivity. Scale up your meeting lengths without any restrictions. Whether it’s a quick catch-up or a marathon discussion, FoxyMeets has got you covered.

And don’t worry, our summaries are reliable. You can count on them for 90% of the time, but it’s always good to have a backup for critical meetings. FoxyMeets ensures that your summaries are concise and easy to read, typically around 10% of the meeting’s time.

Pricing is simple and straightforward. There is a pay-as-you-go plan that scales according to your usage, at just $1.25 per meeting hour per user.

Join the future of efficient meetings with FoxyMeets, the AI-powered meeting summary tool. Stay present, stay engaged, and let FoxyMeets do the heavy lifting for you.

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