
Gamelight is a revolutionary AI platform tailored for mobile games marketing. It specializes in acquiring high-quality users at scale, leveraging advanced AI algorithms and data analysis to understand gaming preferences and user behavior. This platform is ideal for game developers and marketers seeking to enhance their user acquisition strategies and boost engagement.

Key Features:

  1. AI Algorithm for User Acquisition: Utilizes advanced AI to analyze app usage data and user behavior, creating detailed profiles for targeted marketing.
  2. Game Recommendations: Delivers personalized game recommendations based on user preferences and gaming history.
  3. Reward Algorithm: Encourages gameplay duration with a points system, which can be exchanged for rewards, fostering user loyalty and retention.
  4. ROAS Algorithm: Analyzes a variety of data points to identify users most likely to make purchases, optimizing return on ad spend (ROAS).
  5. Demographic and Vertical Targeting: Offers age, gender, and vertical targeting to reach relevant demographics and users interested in similar game genres.
  6. Competitor Game Targeting: Targets users playing competitor games for strategic user acquisition.
  7. Lookalike Targeting: Creates audiences similar to paying users for effective marketing campaigns.


  • Enhanced User Acquisition: Acquires users more likely to engage and spend within games.
  • Personalized Marketing: Tailors game recommendations to individual user preferences, enhancing the gaming experience.
  • Increased Engagement and Retention: Implements a loyalty program to keep users engaged and returning.
  • Data-Driven Strategies: Leverages comprehensive data analysis for informed marketing decisions.

Ideal For:

  • Mobile game developers and marketers looking to acquire and retain high-quality users.
  • Businesses seeking to optimize their mobile game marketing strategies with AI technology.
  • Companies aiming to target specific demographics and interests in the gaming industry.

Gamelight offers a unique and effective solution for mobile games marketing, combining AI-driven insights with targeted user acquisition strategies. Its focus on personalized recommendations and user engagement makes it a valuable tool for game developers and marketers aiming to stand out in the competitive mobile gaming market.

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