
Giftit is a unique and innovative app to take the guesswork out of gift-giving. It introduces a novel way to find out what your friends and loved ones truly want, without spoiling the surprise. By using an AI chatbot named Sherlock, Giftit discreetly discovers the perfect gift ideas through engaging conversations with your chosen recipients.

Key Features:

  1. Sherlock AI Chatbot: Engages with your friends through popular messaging apps to find out their gift preferences anonymously.
  2. Versatile for Any Occasion: Ideal for birthdays, graduations, or just because, ensuring you find the perfect gift every time.
  3. Simple Three-Step Process: Select a contact, let Sherlock chat, and view the results for easy gift selection.
  4. AI-Generated Summary: Offers a summary of the chat for quick understanding of gift preferences.
  5. User Testimonials: Praised for its human-like interaction and effectiveness in uncovering ideal gifts.
  6. Available in Beta: Currently accessible in a beta version, inviting users to experience its unique features.


  • Eliminates Guesswork: Provides insight into what your friends really want.
  • Maintains Surprise: Keeps your identity hidden while Sherlock gathers information.
  • Saves Time and Effort: Streamlines the process of finding the right gift.
  • Enhances Gift-Giving Experience: Makes finding gifts a fun and stress-free experience.

Ideal For:

  • Anyone struggling to find the right gifts for friends and family.
  • People looking for a unique and thoughtful way to choose gifts.
  • Users who enjoy incorporating technology into their gift-giving process.

How It Works:

  1. Select a Contact: Choose a friend or family member from your contacts.
  2. Sherlock Takes Over: The AI chatbot chats with them anonymously to find out their preferences.
  3. Discover the Perfect Gift: View the chat results and summary to select the ideal gift.

Giftit revolutionizes the way we approach gift-giving. With its AI-powered chatbot, Sherlock, the app offers a unique and effective solution to discover what your friends truly desire, making every gift a thoughtful and well-received surprise.

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