
Introducing Goelo Notetaker, the AI-powered tool that transforms your video meetings into actionable insights. With Goelo, you can seamlessly record, transcribe, and summarize your Google Meet and Zoom meetings faster than ever before. Say goodbye to time-consuming note-taking and hello to productivity.

Trusted by over 150+ teams, Goelo is designed to unlock the full potential of your team. For sales teams, it’s the ultimate meeting insights tool that helps improve the sales process and close more deals. With Goelo, you can quickly identify key information that will give you an edge in your sales conversations.

For HR teams, Goelo reduces the time to hire by allowing you to easily share interviews, remove biases, and make better hiring decisions quickly. It’s a game-changer for streamlining the recruitment process.

Product teams can also benefit from Goelo’s capabilities. Store, share, and collaborate on user video interviews to uncover the most critical problems to solve, helping you build better products that meet your customers’ needs.

The best part? Goelo seamlessly integrates into your existing workflow. No more wasting time managing files and sharing them manually. Goelo automatically records and analyzes your Google Meet and Zoom meetings. And with upcoming integrations with HubSpot and Salesforce, you’ll be able to update your CRM data effortlessly.

So how does Goelo work its magic? It’s simple. The Goelo Assistant automatically joins your meetings as a participant to record, transcribe, and summarize everything that’s said. This allows you to be fully present in the moment, truly listening to the conversation without the distraction of taking notes.

With AI-generated meeting summaries, Goelo saves you hours per month in creating meeting recaps. You can review a one-hour meeting in just five minutes, giving you more time to focus on what matters most.

Collaboration is at the heart of Goelo. You can add comments and reactions to specific parts of the recording, providing valuable feedback to your team members. It’s a real-time knowledge base that helps everyone stay aligned and continuously improve their game.

Goelo supports multiple languages, ensuring that language barriers don’t hinder effective communication. Whether it’s English, Spanish, German, French, or any of the other 30+ languages supported, Goelo has got you covered.

Ready to experience the power of Goelo Notetaker? Sign up for free and start transforming your meetings into valuable insights today. Goelo – meetings to insights in minutes.

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