GPT-3 Anywhere

Discover GPT-3 Anywhere, a powerful tool offered on the Chrome Web Store by This unique extension allows users to tap into the capabilities of Open AI’s API and incorporate the results directly into text inputs on websites. With GPT-3 Anywhere, you can now leverage OpenAI’s Playground on any website that accepts text input.

Using this tool is as simple as typing “/g” followed by your prompt, then “/s” to submit it for completion. Your prompt will be combined with the generated completion. For example, by typing “/g” followed by “YOUR PROMPT HERE” and “/s”, you will receive the completion that combines your prompt with the generated content.

The power of GPT-3 Anywhere extends to different platforms, including popular blogging platforms like Medium, Wix, and WordPress. Bloggers can now utilize GPT-3 to effortlessly write engaging and informative blog posts. The integration of ChatGPT into any website through Chrome enhances the writing experience and boosts creativity.

Customization options are provided to cater to your preferences. Just like in the OpenAI playground, you can adjust variables such as temperature, maximum length, and even specify stop sequences. This gives you the flexibility to fine-tune the generated content to suit your needs.

To take advantage of GPT-3 Anywhere, you’ll need an API key from OpenAI. Signing up for an account on the OpenAI platform allows you to obtain the necessary API key. Once you have it, you can unlock the full potential of this extension.

Developed by, GPT-3 Anywhere opens up a world of possibilities for utilizing GPT-3 models in various contexts. Whether you’re a blogger, writer, or someone looking to enhance their writing, this extension provides a seamless experience. Head over to the Chrome Web Store and download GPT-3 Anywhere to start exploring its capabilities.

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