
HarvyAI is an AI Email Assistant for professionals! Are you tired of spending excessive time on writing email responses? HarvyAI is here to revolutionize your email productivity. Powered by ChatGPT technology, this native email interface feature is compatible with popular web browsers, ensuring a seamless experience.

With HarvyAI, you can reply to your professional emails in 90% less time – yes, seriously! This AI tool is designed to enhance your email communication by automatically generating personalized replies. It saves you the hassle of crafting every response from scratch and helps you stay in the loop with your contacts much faster.

What sets HarvyAI apart is its ability to write replies in context. You can select the desired tone(s) and watch HarvyAI generate the perfect response for you. Prepare to be amazed by the results! Additionally, you can guide HarvyAI to write in your preferred tone by simply typing in your context and hitting the generate button. It’s like having a personal assistant to help you craft the perfect email every time.

Language barriers? Not a problem! HarvyAI can write replies in multiple languages, ensuring that your communication remains native to the recipient. Whether it’s English, French, German, Spanish, Bengali, Hindi, Arabic, or any other language, HarvyAI is up to the task.

Concerned about privacy and security? Rest assured, HarvyAI does not have access to your emails. It only requires sample email data to adapt to your writing style. When responding to an email conversation, HarvyAI reads the previous messages in the thread to gather context and provide relevant responses.

To make your life easier, HarvyAI is currently available as a Chrome extension with support for Gmail users. It will be rolled out on other email clients in the future. Please note that there is a cost associated with using HarvyAI, as training the AI and generating content requires significant computing power. However, the team promises to charge a fair and affordable price for their valuable services.

Join the league of professionals who have already improved their email productivity with HarvyAI. 

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