Layer | AI research assistant

Unleash the power of artificial intelligence in your research process with Layer, an advanced, AI-powered research assistant. Unearth hidden knowledge instantly, streamline your research, and drastically cut the time spent generating reports.

Are you juggling a slew of research tasks from journalistic investigations to competitive intelligence, from patent searches to academic research or beyond? Layer has been designed to cater to a wide variety of research needs. Its adaptability makes it the perfect companion for sectors including scientific discovery, strategy consulting, market analysis, M&A research, and policy research.

This transformative tool breaches innumerable complexities in your research process. With Layer, instantly get key insights extracted, vital content highlighted, and thoroughly researched answers plus their trusted sources. Aided with precise sourcing capabilities, Layer simplifies fact-checking, letting you delve deeper into your research instead of painstakingly verifying information.

Feeling overwhelmed by dense, complicated reports? Layer dives into complex PDFs, easing out the useful insights from vast seas of text and diagrams, and organizes them at your fingertips. Find something important? A swift click adds it to your Layer notebook, complete with the original source, letting you create a rich tapestry of research data synchronously.

In this era of information overload, Layer provides you with the chance to soar high over the vast swathes of content, finding the pearls of knowledge you need. Let Layer take care of the arduous part of your job and focus your energy on where it truly matters.

For quick access to this groundbreaking research tool, Layer offers a Chrome extension. Stay in the loop for constant updates and new product releases to keep transforming the way you research with Layer.

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