
Are you tired of endless web searches and scrolling through pages of information? Lunally is here to revolutionize your browsing experience. This incredible Chrome Extension transforms your browser tab into a powerful communication hub, putting the power of ChatGPT right at your fingertips.

With Lunally, you can now ask any question about the web page you’re browsing and receive instant answers. No more time wasted on searching for information – Lunally has got you covered. But that’s not all. This amazing tool can also summarize any web page or article, providing you with a condensed version of the information you need. Say goodbye to lengthy reading sessions and hello to quick and efficient browsing.

But Lunally doesn’t stop there. It goes a step further by generating related ideas and concepts based on the web page you’re currently on. Need some inspiration or new perspectives? Lunally has got your back. With its suggestions, you’ll always stay ahead of the game.

Now let’s talk about pricing. Lunally offers two plans to cater to your needs. The essential plan starts at just $9 per month (charged yearly), giving you access to web page summarization, chat experience in your browser tab, a history of all summaries and chats, and 15 daily credits for summaries or chat questions. If you’re looking for even more, the advanced plan is priced at $15 per month (charged yearly) and includes everything from the essential plan plus an upgrade to 30 daily credits.

In summary, Lunally is a game-changer for web browsing. With its integration of ChatGPT, it takes the hassle out of information retrieval, making your browsing experience effortless and enjoyable. So why wait? Try Lunally now and unlock a whole new world of browsing possibilities.

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