
Introducing Luxa: Streamline Product Management with AI-Powered Insights

Luxa is an innovative AI-powered tool designed specifically for sales-led B2B product management. As a product manager in the B2B space, you understand the importance of making data-driven decisions. With Luxa, you can unlock valuable product insights from gong calls and prioritize your efforts based on factual information rather than subjective opinions.

Gone are the days of manually processing customer calls. Luxa automates the extraction of insights, eliminating the need to watch hundreds of call recordings or request “top customer requests.” By integrating seamlessly with Gong, Luxa analyzes the transcripts of your sales and customer success calls. Its powerful AI capabilities extract feature requests, complaints, and praise, saving you hours of listening for just a few minutes of relevant product feedback.

But Luxa doesn’t stop there. It takes the extracted insights and combines them with your CRM account data for a comprehensive view. This unique feature allows you to sort insights based on total ARR, churn risk, sales cycle, or request frequency. Aligning your product, sales, and success teams has never been easier.

Luxa is tailored for sales-led B2B product management, recognizing the importance of sales-driven feedback. Often, vital insights get lost in sales calls, leaving teams reliant on biased human feedback. Luxa fills this gap, capturing and analyzing essential feedback efficiently, fueling B2B sales-led growth.

Whether you’re a product manager or a leader in a sales-led B2B Series A+ company, Luxa is the tool for you. It caters to those leveraging Gong to record customer conversations, making it a seamless addition to your existing workflow. With Luxa, you no longer have to review countless calls for key customer feedback or struggle with scattered and unreliable data sources.

In summary, Luxa revolutionizes the way you collect and analyze essential product feedback from gong calls. By supporting efficient decision-making, fostering alignment between teams, and ultimately driving growth in sales-led B2B organizations, Luxa empowers you to make informed product management decisions with ease.

Join the waitlist now and be at the forefront of leveraging AI-powered insights for your B2B product management journey.

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