
Mesh is an AI-powered tool that revolutionizes candidate screening and selection. With Mesh, you can easily and efficiently evaluate candidates for any job role using simple text messages. Gone are the days of lengthy phone interviews and manual screening processes. Mesh handles it all for you, from start to finish.

Getting started with Mesh is a breeze. Simply paste your job description, define optional interview questions, and click “Send.” Mesh takes care of the rest, conducting the interview and even thanking the candidate for their time. With Mesh, you can save time and energy while ensuring a seamless and professional candidate experience.

But what truly sets Mesh apart is its ability to provide valuable insights and recommendations. Mesh generates a conversation log and scores candidates on factors such as experience, friendliness, and level of interest. This comprehensive evaluation helps you make informed hiring decisions and identify the most qualified candidates.

Mesh goes beyond candidate screening as well. You can create or import job postings, import candidate profiles from LinkedIn, and conduct interviews to assess company culture, case study proficiency, and even coding/system design skills. Mesh also provides analysis of candidate performance and offers suggestions to optimize your screening process.

Ready to hire amazing talent? Mesh is here to make it happen. Join the waitlist today and experience the power of streamlined candidate screening and selection. Unlock the potential of AI and make smarter hiring choices with Mesh.

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