
Onri AI is people search engine designed to help you quickly find experts within your organization. With Onri AI, the days of aimlessly searching for answers are over. By simply asking, “Who knows about…?”, Onri AI provides immediate assistance, cutting out the need for endless inquiries.

Gone are the days of long and frustrating email threads. Onri AI streamlines the process and connects you directly to the right person, eliminating wasted time. No more waiting for days to track down a domain expert. Just ask Onri AI and find the expert immediately.

One of the key advantages of Onri AI is its ability to harness your organization’s knowledge. By integrating with your GitHub and Jira accounts, Onri AI learns from thousands of code commits and tickets related to each teammate’s work. When you perform a search, Onri AI generates a list of domain experts, enriched with relevant code commits and tickets, ensuring you find the most suitable individuals.

Onri AI offers multiple benefits for your team. It breaks down knowledge silos that can slow down productivity as your team grows. No more wasting time on endless email threads searching for assistance. Onri AI quietly operates in the background, continuously learning and updating its search results based on the evolving expertise within your team. It requires minimal maintenance and delivers a fresh, accurate search experience.

With support for platforms like GitHub and Jira, integrating your accounts with Onri AI is seamless. Unlock your team’s speed and productivity with Onri AI. Setup takes less than 3 minutes, guaranteed. Don’t let valuable time go to waste. Start utilizing Onri AI today and connect with the right experts effortlessly.

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