
Osum is a powerful AI tool to cut research time from weeks to seconds, providing instant access to detailed research, SWOT analysis, buyer personas, growth opportunities, and more for any product or business. It’s an essential resource for investors, entrepreneurs, business owners, marketers, and anyone seeking to enhance their market knowledge and capitalize on new opportunities.

Key Features:

  1. In-Depth Reports: Delivers comprehensive reports on emerging companies, products, and market trends.
  2. SWOT Analysis: Provides a full SWOT analysis of any business or product in seconds, aiding in strategic planning.
  3. Buyer Personas: Uncover demographics, personality types, and professional interests of target audiences.
  4. Market Opportunities: Identifies untapped market segments and unique selling propositions.
  5. Sales Prospect Profiler: Creates actionable profiles for sales prospects by combining demographic, behavioral, and psychographic insights.
  6. Fast and Efficient: Conducts all research and analysis in a matter of seconds, saving valuable time.


  • Time-Efficient Research: Quickly gathers actionable insights, allowing more focus on strategy and execution.
  • Informed Decision Making: Provides valuable insights for well-informed decisions to grow wealth and career.
  • Versatility: Suitable for any industry, with expert analysis covering a wide range of sectors.
  • User-Friendly: Simple to use, requiring only a product or business URL for comprehensive analysis.

Ideal For:

  • Investors and entrepreneurs looking to stay ahead in rapidly evolving markets.
  • Business owners and marketers seeking to identify upcoming trends and emerging disruptive companies.
  • Professionals in any industry aiming to enhance their market knowledge.

How It Works:

  1. Enter URL: Input any product or business URL into Osum.
  2. Instant Analysis: Let the Osum AI engine conduct research and analysis in seconds.
  3. Discover Insights: Access actionable insights for immediate use.


  • 7-Day Full Access: Try Osum with 7 days of full access to the Osum Insights Suite. Cancel anytime.

Osum is revolutionizing market research and analysis with its AI-driven approach, offering a fast, efficient, and insightful tool for anyone looking to stay informed and ahead in their respective fields.

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