
Pythagora is an incredible automated integration testing tool that revolutionizes the way tests are created. With Pythagora, you can say goodbye to writing tedious lines of code for tests. This super-easy-to-use tool simplifies the process by analyzing server activity and generating tests based on each API request.

Gone are the days of spending 20-30% of your time on test creation. Pythagora allows developers to concentrate on the core codebase instead. By capturing server activity, including database queries and documents, Pythagora saves all the necessary information for testing. During the testing phase, Pythagora restores the server state using a temporary database, ensuring that your local database remains untouched.

But that’s not all! Pythagora has taken it a step further by integrating with GPT-4. Together, they automate the creation of negative tests, providing a well-rounded testing suite. In just 30 minutes, Pythagora and GPT-4 can achieve an impressive 80% code coverage through the generation of 150 tests.

Working with Pythagora is like a walk in the park. After installing it with npm, simply run the capture command and make API requests through your preferred method – whether it’s through the frontend, Postman, cUrl, or any other way you’re accustomed to. Pythagora will take care of the rest.

Are you curious about the test coverage? Pythagora has got you covered. Its comprehensive code coverage report allows you to identify any uncovered code, ensuring that your application is thoroughly tested and robust.

Ready to give Pythagora a try? Join our community of over 2000 developers who believe that Pythagora can make their lives easier. Sign up for beta access today! Pythagora – revolutionizing the way integration testing is done.

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