
Sage AI is an all-in-one AI assistant platform to cater to a variety of creative and technical needs. Here’s a detailed look at what Sage AI offers:

  1. AI-Powered Content Creation: Sage AI enables users to create content using AI up to 10 times faster. This includes engaging in real-time, lifelike conversations, where the AI understands and responds dynamically.
  2. Code Generation: The platform can speed up the development process by assisting in coding, from functions to full applications.
  3. Image Generation: Users can turn their ideas into visuals with DALLE-2, which handles everything from simple prompts to detailed illustrations.
  4. Video Generation: Sage AI revolutionizes video content creation, allowing users to create stunning clips and short videos tailored to their needs without manual editing.
  5. Audio Generation: The platform offers text-to-speech audio generation using natural voices and the composition of short music clips using custom prompts. Audio-to-audio translation is also in the pipeline.
  6. Variety of Plans: Sage AI provides various plans to suit all budgets, including yearly plans with better deals on tokens.
  7. Pro Plans for Advanced Features: The platform offers Basic and Advanced plans, with the Advanced Plan being the most popular. It includes a yearly subscription option for $180, offering 28,800 tokens and access to all features like conversation, code generation, image generation, video generation, and audio generation.

Sage AI is ideal for individuals and professionals looking for an efficient and versatile AI assistant to enhance their creative and technical projects. Its focus on multiple AI-powered capabilities, along with flexible pricing plans, makes it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications.

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