
Seeker is a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) AI chat platform that offers secure and trustworthy insights for both individual use and organizations. Here’s a detailed description of what Seeker offers:

Key Features of Seeker:

  1. Trustworthy AI: Seeker provides fully transparent responses that are 100% source-verifiable, ensuring confidence and reliability in the information provided.
  2. High Security: The platform is 800-171 compliant, guaranteeing a high level of security for non-Federal computer systems.
  3. Versatile Applications: Seeker is equipped to empower various sectors, including Corporations, Government, Law Enforcement, Academia, Medical, Legal, Human Resources, Maintenance, Training, and more.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed to be straightforward and intuitive, making it easy for users to create and discover with Seeker’s sleek user interface.
  5. Precision and Productivity: Seeker allows users to instantly create relevant and reliable content based on specific data, significantly reducing the time taken for tasks like creating white-papers, essays, articles, proposals, and more.
  6. Upload Content in Bulk: Users can easily upload unlimited files and folders from their device.
  7. Instant Chat With Content: The platform enables chatting against all files and folders at once, or selecting specific files for focused interactions.
  8. Deep Research Tools: Seeker provides extensive citations and references, highlighting exact pages and paragraphs, and allows users to explore hidden relationships within their content.
  9. Diverse Use Cases: The platform serves a wide range of clients with its versatile applications, covering legal, business, HR, intelligence, science research, and training activities.

Ideal for:

  • Professionals and organizations seeking a secure and reliable AI tool for data analysis and content creation.
  • Users in various sectors, including legal, medical, academic, and corporate, who require in-depth research and content generation capabilities.
  • Individuals looking for an AI platform that offers a high level of security and source verification.


  • Seeker is accessible online, and users can sign up for a free account or choose from various subscription plans according to their needs.

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