Introducing Segmed’s De-Id Playground, a cutting-edge web-based tool that allows you to explore the powerful capabilities of Segmed’s de-identification service. With just a few clicks, you can witness how this innovative tool utilizes language models (LLMs) to remove any personally identifiable information (PHI) from sample data.

It’s important to note that Segmed’s De-Id Playground is designed for demonstration purposes only and should not be used for actual PHI removal in production settings. The user-friendly interface allows you to input your own sample data and witness first-hand the impressive de-identification process.

Rest easy knowing that takes your privacy seriously. No data is saved or stored on their platform, providing you with peace of mind during your experimentation. Plus, their website is built using create-react-app and requires JavaScript to be enabled for optimal performance.

Taking data sanitization a step further, Segmed’s De-Id Playground also features a handy “clean the data” option, allowing you to fine-tune your information even more.

If you’re curious to learn more about Segmed’s de-identification services or have any questions or feedback, they encourage you to reach out to them directly. With Segmed’s commitment to comprehensive solutions and exceptional customer support, you can trust that they have your best interests at heart.

Experience the simplicity and accessibility of Segmed’s De-Id Playground. Discover the potential of their de-identification technology and gain a general understanding of how it can benefit you. For those ready to explore further, Segmed provides convenient contact information, making it effortless to access their comprehensive solutions.

Unleash the power of de-identification with Segmed’s De-Id Playground. Try it today and revolutionize the way you handle sensitive data.

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