Sheet AI

SheetAI App is a game-changing Google Sheets add-on that brings the power of AI to your fingertips. With SheetAI, you can revolutionize your spreadsheet experience with its wide range of AI-driven functions that automate tasks, generate insights, and simplify copywriting.

One of the standout features of SheetAI is its SHEETAI_BRAIN function. This powerful tool simplifies copywriting by storing and retrieving essential information. Craft captivating taglines and compelling content for any application just by referencing its name, and let the AI fetch the relevant details from your database. Whether you’re adding data via text or URLs, SHEETAI_BRAIN streamlines the copywriting process like never before.

Need multiple answers for a question or problem? Look no further than SHEETAI_LIST. This feature generates a variety of AI-driven answers, providing you with diverse solutions and perspectives to choose from. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to boundless creativity.

When it comes to data population and clean-up, SheetAI has you covered with the SHEETAI_FILL function. Effortlessly fill in product descriptions, tidy up email lists, generate dummy data, and so much more. Let the power of AI handle the tedious tasks, leaving you with more time to focus on what truly matters.

SheetAI is not just another add-on; it is the key to unlocking the true potential of AI in your spreadsheets. Sanitize data, generate text, predict values, create visuals, and so much more, all without needing any coding knowledge. Installation is a breeze, and a comprehensive setup guide and help section ensure that you can quickly start harnessing the power of AI in your spreadsheets.

Say goodbye to manual data analysis and hello to a world of limitless possibilities. With SheetAI, the power to transform your spreadsheets is at your fingertips. Get started today and unleash the magic of AI in your Google Sheets.

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