
Introducing Struct Chat Platform: Enhancing Team Communication and Collaboration

Struct Chat Platform is a knowledge-rich chat platform that revolutionizes team communication and collaboration. Powered by AI technology, this platform offers a range of innovative features aimed at streamlining conversations and boosting productivity.

One standout feature of Struct Chat Platform is its generative AI capability. With this feature, Struct generates titles, summaries, and resolution statuses for conversations, adding context and saving you precious time by eliminating the need for tedious message sifting. Now, you can instantly understand the relevance of each discussion without hours of searching.

But the innovation doesn’t stop there. Struct Chat Platform is soon to introduce a conversational AI interface, taking its capabilities to new heights. This upcoming feature will further enhance your chat experience, making it even easier to communicate and collaborate effectively with your team.

Another powerful tool at your disposal is Vector Search. By combining full-text search capabilities with Vector Embeddings, Struct enables you to establish thread similarities and perform efficient semantic searches across conversations. No longer will you struggle to find specific information buried within discussions. With Struct, you can find what you need quickly and reliably.

Additionally, Struct Chat Platform automatically generates SEO-optimized knowledge pages for each conversation. These pages are designed to be easily referenced and rank well with search engines. Say goodbye to scattered documentation and hello to an extensive searchable library, accessible to your entire team.

When it comes to pricing, Struct Chat Platform keeps things simple and transparent. There is a free option available, offering unlimited users and threads from public channels. For those looking for additional features, the Struct Pro plan is available at $37 per month. This plan includes unlimited threads, custom domains, community join links, and the ability to use custom JavaScript code.

In summary, Struct Chat Platform is a game-changer for teams seeking efficient knowledge generation, information retrieval, and seamless collaboration within a chat-based environment. With its AI-driven tools, Struct elevates your team’s productivity and ensures that valuable insights are always within reach. Explore the power of Struct Chat Platform today by adding it to Slack or Discord and join the waitlist for the upcoming platform launch.

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