
Stay updated on your team’s GitHub activities with Summarizely. This AI tool summarizes teammates’ GitHub activities and sends them directly to your designated Slack channels. Setting up Summarizely is a breeze – it requires just a few clicks and doesn’t require any coding or credit card information.

What sets Summarizely apart is its integration with OpenAI’s latest API, which provides cutting-edge summarizing features that have been fine-tuned by Summarizely. This ensures that you receive accurate and efficient summaries of your team’s GitHub activities.

Data security is a top priority for Summarizely. The tool doesn’t store any of your data. It only sends the GitHub activities to OpenAI for summarization, and then sends the summarized result back to your Slack workspace. This means your data is secure and protected at all times.

To get early access to Summarizely, you can sign up for the waitlist. Once you have access, you can easily integrate Summarizely into your Slack channels. This helps you stay in the loop with your teammates’ GitHub activity summaries without having to manually monitor everything.

Summarizely is the perfect solution for teams who want to stay updated on important GitHub activities without investing significant time and resources. Sign up for Summarizely now and streamline your team’s communication and collaboration.

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