
Timetics is an advanced scheduling solution to streamline the planning of appointments, bookings, and business activities. Utilizing the power of AI, Timetics offers automated scheduling, seating arrangements, and event management features, making it an ideal tool for businesses and individuals alike.

Key Features:

  1. Automated Scheduling: Quickly and conveniently plan meetings, manage appointments, and organize events with ease.
  2. Seating Arrangements: Efficiently manage seating for event attendees, ensuring a smooth experience for all participants.
  3. AI-Powered Efficiency: Leverage AI-driven automation to simplify processes and enhance productivity across various tasks and projects.
  4. Diverse Scheduling Types: Cater to different needs with options like single host and attendee meetings, multiple participants, and seat arrangement features.
  5. Multi-Style Seat Arrangement: Manage diverse seating styles with a canvas-based drag-and-drop design, offering personalized and user-friendly solutions.
  6. Niche-Based Solutions: Tailored solutions for specific business needs, enhancing the event experience with intelligence-based insights.


  • Streamlined Meeting Management: Add team members, set availability, and manage schedules effortlessly.
  • Custom Domain Option: Create an online brand presence with a custom web address.
  • AI-Powered Event Management: Plan and execute events with precision, utilizing advanced automation tools.
  • Automate Repetitive Tasks: Unleash business potential with Timetics Pro, automating mundane tasks and focusing on growth.

Ideal For:

  • Service holders and corporations, including automotive services, pet groomers, cleaning services, HR, sports & training, hairdresser salons, home services, restaurants, movie theaters, education centers, legal & financial services, tech support, gyms, coaches, music teachers, sales & marketing, and professional services.


  • Seamlessly integrate with favorite platforms, enhancing functionality and user experience.

Unique Selling Points:

  • Timetics stands out with its Visual Seat Planner and Event Management features, allowing comprehensive scheduling and event planning, including customer tickets and pricing.


  • What makes Timetics unique? Timetics offers a comprehensive journey from booking appointments to planning seating arrangements and organizing events.
  • How does it compare with other scheduling tools? Timetics provides unique features like Visual Seat Planner and Event Management, setting it apart from competitors.
  • How does Timetics use AI? It utilizes OpenAI to offer personalized service recommendations to clients.

Getting Started:

  • Free Trial: Users can try Timetics for free, with no credit card required.
  • Pricing: Various pricing plans are available to suit different needs and scales.

Timetics is more than just a scheduling tool; it’s a comprehensive solution for efficient and intelligent management of business activities. Whether organizing a small meeting or a large event, Timetics offers the tools and features to make the process seamless and productive.

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