
Turing.School offers a unique AI boosted exercise platform that generates coding exercises based on selected story backgrounds. With options ranging from sci-fi and horror to magic and humor, users can choose their preferred genre and design coding exercises using keywords or their own start. The AI then takes over, generating the rest of the exercise according to the given inputs.

For instance, one exercise involves a small town facing a zombie outbreak. As the only programmer in town, your task is to create a program that helps the residents fight off the zombies. Your program will generate a list of weapons that the residents can use for defense, including items like baseball bats, frying pans, and garden hoes. It will also create a list of the zombies that have been spotted in the town, with names such as “Zombie Bob” and “Zombie Sue”. Lastly, your program will randomly assign a weapon to each resident and a zombie to each weapon, ensuring they know which weapon to use against which zombie. The residents are counting on you to save them from the zombie apocalypse!

In another exercise, Harry Potter finds himself in the world of Game of Thrones, on a mission to collect magical items scattered across the Seven Kingdoms. However, the list of items is jumbled up, and Harry needs your help to sort it in alphabetical order. But here’s the catch: the list contains funny items that need to be removed before sorting. Your Python program will take in the list of magical items, remove the funny ones like “Squib’s Earwax” and “Goblin’s Snot”, and then sort the remaining items alphabetically. This will ensure Harry’s quest for magical items goes smoothly.

Furthermore, there’s an exercise where Superman decides to watch Star Trek episodes but realizes they’re out of order. Being his organized self, he wants to write a program to sort the episodes chronologically. Your task is to help Superman create a program using lists and for loops in Python. The program will prompt the user for the number of episodes they want to sort and ask for the episode number, title, and air date. Once all episodes are entered, the program will sort them based on the air date and print out the sorted list in the format: Episode Number – Title – Air Date. Superheroes like Superman depend on your coding skills to save the day!

Turing.School also includes an AI tutor that can answer any questions you might have about the exercises. No need to wait for a real human to get help; the AI knows it all. So, have fun with these coding challenges and let your creativity shine by creating your unique story backgrounds.

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