GPT-2 Output Detector

The GPT-2 Output Detector is an online tool designed to distinguish between text generated by humans and text generated by AI, specifically the GPT-2 model. Based on the RoBERTa implementation by Hugging Face Transformers, this tool analyzes text input and provides probabilities indicating whether the content is AI-generated (“Fake”) or human-written (“Real”). It’s a valuable resource for researchers, content creators, and anyone interested in understanding the nuances of AI-generated text.

Key Features:

  1. AI vs. Human Text Detection: Determines the likelihood of text being generated by GPT-2, offering insights into the authenticity of content.
  2. RoBERTa-Based Implementation: Utilizes the RoBERTa model, known for its accuracy in natural language understanding.
  3. Predicted Probabilities Display: Shows the probabilities of text being real or fake, providing a clear indication of its origin.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: Simple and intuitive, allowing users to input text and receive immediate analysis.
  5. Reliability with Longer Text: The results become more reliable with inputs of around 50 tokens or more, ensuring accuracy in detection.
  6. Open Source and Accessible: Based on open-source implementations, making it a transparent and trustworthy tool.
  7. Ideal for Research and Verification: Useful for content verification, academic research, and understanding AI’s capabilities in text generation.

Ideal Users:

  • Researchers in AI and Linguistics: Studying the characteristics of AI-generated text.
  • Content Creators and Editors: Verifying the authenticity of written material.
  • Educators and Students: Exploring the impact of AI in writing and communication.


The GPT-2 Output Detector is an innovative tool that offers a glimpse into the future of AI text detection. Its ability to analyze and distinguish between human and AI-generated content makes it an essential resource for anyone interested in the evolving landscape of AI in writing and communication.

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