AI Assist by airfocus

AI Assist by airfocus is the world’s first and only modular product management platform that unlocks the power of AI for product managers. With AI Assist, product managers can elevate their productivity to new heights.

AI Assist is seamlessly integrated into airfocus item descriptions and comments, offering a wide range of automated prompts that enhance your product management capabilities. With just a slash command, you can harness the power of AI and effortlessly generate ideas or first drafts on a blank page – no more writer’s block!

Save precious time by utilizing AI to analyze feedback sentiment, simplify complex technical jargon, and quickly obtain brief summaries. AI Assist also offers editing suggestions that enable you to analyze feedback sentiment and generate insights fast. Engaging messaging has never been easier, allowing you to focus on the big picture.

For product managers, AI Assist offers tailor-made prompts. Need a product requirement document? AI Assist will provide a succinct document that includes a name, problem, objective, user story, requirements, deliverables, and metrics. Drafting user stories? AI Assist generates detailed user stories with completion steps and acceptance criteria.

Not everyone speaks code, which is why AI Assist can make your text non-technical, ensuring you effectively communicate with all stakeholders. Additionally, AI Assist helps you uncover valuable pieces of information by condensing lengthy texts into short summaries.

AI Assist is the ultimate productivity tool for product managers, saving you time, providing valuable insights, and keeping you focused on what truly matters. Unlock the potential of AI for your product management tasks with AI Assist by airfocus.

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