SiteGPT is an AI-powered chatbot solution to enhance customer support and engagement on websites. It utilizes advanced AI technology, including GPT-4, to provide personalized and instant responses to visitor inquiries. This tool is ideal for businesses looking to improve their customer service efficiency and user experience on their websites, marketing sites, in-app, help centers, and more.

Key Features:

  1. Personalized AI Chatbot: Trained on your website content to provide accurate and relevant responses in your brand’s voice.
  2. Quick Prompts for User Engagement: Offers digital icebreakers and frequently asked questions to initiate conversations.
  3. Email Summaries: Delivers daily summaries of chatbot interactions to track performance and user behavior.
  4. Human Escalation Option: Seamlessly transitions conversations to live agents when necessary.
  5. Lead Generation: Captures visitor details for follow-up and potential sales opportunities.
  6. In-App Actions via Natural Language: Automates tasks based on chat interactions, enhancing user experience.
  7. Direct Integrations: Compatible with platforms like Crisp, Intercom, and Zendesk.
  8. Multi-Language Support: Available in 95+ languages, catering to a global audience.
  9. 14-Day Free Trial: Offers a trial period to experience the service with no commitment.

Ideal Users:

  • Businesses and E-commerce Sites: Seeking to automate and improve customer support.
  • Marketing Agencies: Looking to offer chatbot services to clients.
  • Website Owners: Needing an efficient way to engage and assist visitors.


SiteGPT offers a cutting-edge solution for businesses to enhance their online customer support and engagement. Its personalized AI chatbot, multi-language support, and seamless integration make it a valuable tool for improving user experience and efficiency.

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