
SaneBox is an AI-driven email management tool to help users focus on the most important emails and manage their inbox more efficiently. Here’s a detailed description of what SaneBox offers:

Key Features of SaneBox:

  1. AI Email Sorting: SaneBox’s AI identifies important emails and automatically organizes the rest, helping users stay focused on what matters.
  2. Daily Email Updates: Users receive daily summaries of sorted emails and other email activities, ensuring they never miss anything important.
  3. Email Deep Clean: SaneBox’s AI assists in cleaning up older emails that are no longer needed, helping to declutter the inbox.
  4. Email Organization Tools: The platform offers tools for sorting older emails, including archiving, marking as read, snoozing, moving, training, and trashing.
  5. Blocking Unwanted Emails: Users can move emails into the SaneBlackHole folder to permanently block emails from specific senders.
  6. Newsletter Management: SaneBox can identify newsletters and mailing lists, keeping them organized in one place.
  7. Custom Folder Creation: Users can create custom folders for specific types of emails, such as receipts, bills, family, or work-related emails.
  8. Snooze Feature: Emails put in SaneBox snooze folders will reappear in the inbox at a specified time, aiding in email management.
  9. Flexible Cancellation Policy: Users can cancel the service anytime, and SaneBox will revert the inbox to its original state if desired.

Ideal for:

  • Individuals and professionals looking to manage their email more efficiently.
  • Users who receive a high volume of emails and need help prioritizing and organizing their inbox.
  • Anyone seeking a smart, trainable inbox assistant to reduce email overload.


  • SaneBox is accessible online and offers a free 14-day trial with no credit card required.

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