Benchmark Email

Smart Content is an AI-powered email copywriting tool offered by Benchmark Email. It’s designed to help users generate fresh email copy quickly and efficiently, fueling various email campaigns. This tool is ideal for overcoming the challenges of creating engaging email content and personalizing messages at scale.

Key Features:

  1. AI-Driven Email Copy Generation: Quickly produces new ideas and fresh takes on evergreen topics for email content.
  2. Repurposing Existing Content: Transforms existing email copy into new content with just a click, aligning with your messaging and value proposition.
  3. Overcoming Blank Page Anxiety: Helps start the copywriting process by generating initial drafts from a few ideas, making it easier to create engaging email copy.
  4. Personalized Emails at Scale: Enables the creation of personalized email content for different segments of your audience, saving time in content creation.
  5. Fuel for Email Marketing: Assists in writing email copy for A/B testing, generating hyper-personalized content, and connecting new ideas to new audiences.
  6. Engaging Email Copy Creation: Facilitates the creation of engaging email copy faster, ensuring your email campaigns are always active and effective.

Ideal Users:

  • Email Marketers: Seeking efficient tools to create and optimize email campaigns.
  • Businesses: Looking to enhance their email marketing strategies with AI-generated content.
  • Content Creators: Needing assistance in creating engaging newsletters and email sequences.


Smart Content by Benchmark Email is a comprehensive solution for anyone looking to leverage AI for email marketing. Its range of tools and features, combined with AI technology, makes it a powerful asset for creating high-converting email content, saving time, and improving campaign performance.

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