Qualifyed.AI - Lookalike Audiences

AI Predictive Audiences is a cutting-edge solution offered by Qualifyed, designed to revolutionize audience targeting in the digital advertising space. This tool leverages machine learning and artificial intelligence to create highly accurate lookalike audiences using first-party data, overcoming the challenges posed by privacy changes like iOS 14.5.

Key Features:

  1. Machine Learning System: Utilizes advanced machine learning to analyze high-quality sales data and model it to target new, cold prospects with a high probability of conversion.
  2. First-Party Data Utilization: Focuses on using first-party PII (Personally Identifying Information) data, making it immune to the limitations of cookie-based data and privacy changes.
  3. Comprehensive Data Analysis: Runs seed files against marketing databases, including credit bureaus, across 3,400 attributes, ensuring a broad and in-depth analysis.
  4. Pre-Scoring of US Adults: The tool pre-scores 96% of US adults on their likelihood to convert before they have even heard of the brand.
  5. Integration with Ad Accounts: The audience is ingested into ad accounts via LiveRamp as a hashed email list, ready for targeted advertising campaigns.

  6. Democratized Technology: Brings Fortune 500 level technology to the SMB space at a fraction of the cost and without long-term contracts.

Ideal Users:

  • Digital Marketers and Advertisers: Seeking more effective audience targeting solutions in the wake of privacy changes.
  • E-commerce Businesses: Looking to leverage their first-party data for better ad targeting.
  • Data-Driven Organizations: Wanting to utilize machine learning for predictive audience modeling.


Taylor Welch, The Wealthy Consultant, experienced a significant increase in ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) from 154% to 1,375% using Qualifyed’s AI Predictive Audiences.


AI Predictive Audiences by Qualifyed represents a significant advancement in digital advertising, offering a powerful solution for businesses to target audiences more effectively using machine learning and first-party data. It’s a game-changer for companies looking to navigate the evolving landscape of online privacy and data usage.

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