Social Hub.AI

Social Hub.AI is a comprehensive AI-Native Marketing Cloud platform that integrates innovative technologies like Cloud-Native, AI-Agents, and Web3. It’s designed to help brands build Omni-channel consumer operation capabilities, combining CRM, CDP, and Marketing Automation (MA) for a holistic approach to digital marketing.

Key Features:

  1. Customer Data Platform (CDP): Collects data across omni-channel touchpoints, forming a 360° customer profile based on big data analysis and AI algorithms.
  2. Loyalty Management: Utilizes innovative NFT of Membership combined with Web3 technology to deeply mine member value and insight into the entire life cycle of members.
  3. Marketing Automation (MA): Features a drag-and-drop interface to build marketing canvases quickly, refine configurations, and push marketing rules, generating personalized content messages with AI.
  4. AI Data Analysis and AI Chatbot: Offers AI-driven insights and automated customer interactions to enhance customer experience and engagement.
  5. AI EDM (Electronic Direct Mail): Automates and personalizes email marketing campaigns for effective communication and conversion.
  6. 50+ Channel Integration: Supports integration with various communication tools like SMS, AI Call, WhatsApp, and social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.
  7. Real-Time CDP and Large-Scale CRM: Provides insights into customer behavior and preferences, enabling targeted marketing strategies.

Ideal Users:

  • Marketing Agencies and Businesses: Seeking an integrated solution for managing digital marketing, customer data, and loyalty programs.
  • E-commerce Platforms: Looking to enhance customer engagement and sales through personalized marketing and loyalty management.
  • Data-Driven Marketers: Needing a comprehensive tool for customer data analysis and automated marketing campaigns.


Social Hub.AI is a versatile and powerful marketing cloud product that can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of digital marketing strategies. Its integration of CRM, CDP, and MA, along with AI capabilities, makes it a valuable asset for brands aiming to enhance their digital presence and customer engagement.

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