Grro is an innovative platform to help podcasters grow their audience through AI-powered and actionable cross-promotion recommendations. Tailored specifically for podcasts, Grro harnesses audience listening habits to identify and suggest relevant cross-promotion opportunities, making it an essential tool for podcasters looking to expand their reach.

Key Features:

  1. Deep Audience Analysis: Analyzes your podcast’s audience listening habits to find targeted cross-promotion recommendations.
  2. Targeted Recommendations: Provides cross-promotion suggestions along with topics your audience is interested in, allowing for more effective partnerships.
  3. Actionable Campaigns: Enables users to export recommended cross-promo podcasts as a CSV file, ready for use in promotional campaigns.
  4. Free Cross-Promo Recommendations: Offers cross-promotion recommendations at no cost, with pricing for enhanced features to be announced.


  • Audience Growth: Helps podcasters reach new listeners through targeted cross-promotions.
  • Efficient Marketing: Streamlines the process of finding and managing cross-promotion opportunities.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Utilizes deep audience analysis for more effective and relevant recommendations.
  • Easy to Use: Simple and intuitive platform, making it accessible for podcasters of all levels.

Ideal For:

  • Podcasters seeking to grow their audience and increase their show’s visibility.
  • Content creators looking for relevant cross-promotion opportunities.
  • Anyone interested in leveraging AI for podcast marketing and audience expansion.

How It Works:

  1. Register Your Podcast Feed: Sign up and provide your podcast feed for analysis.
  2. Receive Recommendations: Explore cross-promo recommendations tailored to your audience’s interests.
  3. Launch Campaigns: Use the exported CSV file to initiate cross-promotional campaigns with other podcasts.

Grro offers a unique and effective solution for podcasters aiming to grow their audience through strategic cross-promotions. By leveraging AI to analyze audience data and provide tailored recommendations, Grro simplifies the process of finding the right partners for cross-promotion, helping podcasters reach new heights in their podcasting journey.

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