
PodcastAI is an online platform to automate various aspects of podcast production, significantly reducing post-production time. By leveraging advanced AI-powered tools, PodcastAI offers a comprehensive solution for transcribing episodes, identifying speakers, generating chapters, descriptions, titles, tags, and more, all within seconds.

Key Features:

  1. Automated Transcription: Quickly transcribe episodes and identify speakers, creating fully searchable transcripts.
  2. Chapter Generation: Effortlessly build a list of timestamped chapters with descriptive titles.
  3. Metadata Generation: Automatically generate titles, descriptions, and tags for episodes.
  4. Ad-Read Generator: Produce sponsorship ad-reads in the host’s voice based on ad copy.
  5. Viral Moments Identification: Curate a list of the top ten viral moments from each episode, sorted by viral score.
  6. Podcast Feed Creation: Generate a podcast feed for submission to platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
  7. Show Portal: Turn your podcast into a website with semantic search for all episodes.
  8. AI Host Chat: Engage audiences with AI hosts that respond in their own voice via the show portal.


  • Time-Saving: Reduces over 80% of post-production time, streamlining the podcast publishing process.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Creates interactive experiences for listeners through AI host chats.
  • Easy Content Management: Simplifies the management of podcast content, from transcription to feed generation.
  • Innovative Tools: Offers cutting-edge AI tools for a more efficient and engaging podcast production.

Ideal For:

  • Podcasters seeking to streamline their production process.
  • Content creators looking for efficient ways to manage and enhance their podcasts.
  • Businesses and individuals aiming to engage audiences with innovative podcasting tools.

Future Roadmap:

  • PodcastAI is working towards enabling the generation of entire podcast episodes with AI, with plans to release a v2 product in Q4 of 2023.

Investment and Recognition:

  • Backed by LAUNCH, the early-stage venture fund led by Jason Calacanis.

Getting Started:

  • Sign up on the PodcastAI website to start using the platform and explore its features.

PodcastAI is redefining podcast production, offering a suite of AI-powered tools that transform the way podcasts are created, managed, and experienced. With its focus on efficiency and innovation, PodcastAI is an essential tool for anyone in the podcasting space.

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